Afrikaanse landen waren ten einde raad: Ruim 3.000 kinderen jonger dan 5 jaar stierven elk dag aan malaria, maar de rest van de wereld had er geen oren naar.
Na Robertson's schokkende getuigenissen - '' In één gezin sterven gemiddeld 4 to 7 kinderen aan malaria.'' - tijdens de 1988 Expeditie per Range Rover dwars door Afrika, startte de Britse David Robertson in 1988 de Wereldwijde Malaria Campagne om deze vernietigende ziekte op de agenda te zetten van wereldleiders.
Maar liefst 20 jaar, sinds 1988, heeft Drive Against Malaria er voor gepleit om deze vernietigende ziekte op de Wereld Agenda te zetten door het instellen van een 'World Malaria Day'.
Nu werkt DAM in Afrikaanse landen samen en in partnerschap met Presidenten, Ministers, Ambassadeurs, de United Nations en de World Health Organization om samenwerkingsprojecten in het kader van malariamissies kracht bij te zetten en in werking te stellen. De collaboratie stimuleert de uitwisseling van veldkennis en expertise 'on the ground' tussen alle partijen en maakt het mogelijk effectieve lokale malaria trainingen, seminars en landelijke malaria programma's te organiseren. Nelson Mandela: ''Er is geen enkele organisatie of instantie die zoveel veld-expertise heeft op het gebied van malaria, dan Drive Against Malaria.''
Nelson Mandela - Year 2000 : "Ambassadors, Ministers, Presidents around Africa applaud Drive Against Malaria and David Robertson’s effort to reduce malaria in the continent."
DAM & World Health Organization NAMIBIA


World Health Organization - Sinds 1988 pleit DAM bij de WHO voor een World Malaria Day. Nu, zowel in Afrikaanse landen als ook in Europa (Genève) werkt Drive Against Malaria samen met de World Health Organisation (WHO). In 1998 heeft Dr. David Nabarro van de WHO het partnerschap officieel aangekondigd tijdens de 'International MIM Conference' in Durban. Op het front van malaria-advocacy onderhouden we nauwe banden, óók door samen mediacampagnes en TV programma's, zoals 'Challenge Africa' samen te stellen. Met als doel aspecten van malaria wereldwijd bekent te maken, de situatie in Afrika in kaart te brengen, activiteiten op het gebied van de gezondheidszorg te coördineren en de gezondheid van de bevolking te bevorderen. Drive Against Malaria heeft sinds 1988 indrukwekkende maanden lange malaria ervaring opgedaan in Afrika. De NGO weet welke systemen en interventies effectief zijn. Om malaria in Afrika het hoofd te bieden is zeer dringend nood aan medicijnen, diagnostiek, bescherming en training. We ontwerpen met de WHO stappenplannen voor de uitvoering in Afrika.
DAM & United Nations AFRICA


United Nations - Ook bij de United Nations pleit DAM sinds 1988 voor het instellen van een World Malaria Day. Drive Against Malaria werkt nu samen met de United Nations in Afrikaanse landen. Dit betreft een samenwerkingsverband op zeer breed gebied; zowel tijdens crises, wanneer de United Nations Food Programm (WFP) haar partners extra malaria bijstand vraagt in de Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek. De UN steunde DAM met extra transportcontainers. Eveneens tijdens de crisis in Kivu / Congo DRC, ontvingen we bijstand. Er werden vliegtuigen voor luchtbruggen opgezet door MONUC om mensen, materiaal, geneesmiddelen en 760.000 muskietennetten naar Kivu te brengen. Er werd een regionaal netwerk van hulpposten ingericht waar besmette kinderen behandeld werden. In Zambia realiseren we een diepgaande samenwerking met de ontwikkeling van een structureel plan van aanpak, om de activiteiten omtrent de distributie van 9.000.000 netten uit te voeren.
DAM & United States Ambassadeur - ANGOLA

United States Ambassadeur - voor Angola, Her Excellency Mrs Cynthia G. Efird, ontvangt Drive Against Malaria de Founders in Luanda, Angola op de éérste World Malaria Day, op 25 April 2008. In Angola hebben we deze dag met vele partners zoals de WHO, de UN, Global Fund, internationale Ambassadeurs en tientallen instanties gevierd. Een week lang zijn speciale activiteiten over heel Angola georganiseerd. “Wij zijn geïnteresseerd en bereid om te helpen”, zegt de Amerikaanse diplomaat, verwijzend naar de bijdrage aan het malaria initiatief van de Stichting waarvoor $ 5.000.000 wordt ingezet om ziekte en mortaliteit veroorzaakt door malaria te verminderen en voor de verbetering van malaria-controle voor de komende 5 jaar.
DAM & Minister Of Public Health - ANGOLA

Minister Of Public Health Angola - His Excellency Dr. José Vieira Dias Van-Dunem , kondigt een nationaal strategisch plan aan voor de bestrijding van malaria, tijdens de vergadering met Drive Against Malaria in Luanda. Een aantal vooraanstaande partners, de publieke- en private sector heeft zich aangesloten bij DAM om de lokale capaciteit op te bouwen in Angola. Dit resulteert in de distributie van 200.000 netten, geneesmiddelen en diagnostiek in Angola. Wereld Malaria Dag heeft Drive Against Malaria voor het eerst uitgebreid gevierd in Angola. DAM is nog steeds actief in het land.
DAM & Minister Of Public Health - CAMEROON

Zijne Excellentie Minister van Volksgezondheid van Kameroen, André Mama Fouda, onderschrijft de samenwerking met Drive Against Malaria in Kameroen. DAM is actief in ruim 32 landen in het continent en kiest in 2007 het land Kameroen als eerste vestigingsbasis voor de activiteiten in de strijd tegen malaria. André Mama Fouda, "Ik bekrachtig de waarde van Drive Against Malaria in de strijd tegen malaria in veel Afrikaanse landen. Wij zijn vereerd dat u Kameroen kiest als permanente basis en ik denk dat u een goede beslissing heeft gemaakt." - Professor Gervais Ondobo Andzé (Directeur de la Lutte Contre la Maladie) "Wij staan zeer positief over de samenwerking tussen Drive Against Malaria en ons Ministerie, voor zowel het uitbreiden van malaria interventies, samen met de behoeften voor Onchocerciasis, vaccinatieprogramma's en de bescherming van het milieu, door het planten van bomen door onze gemeenschap te stimuleren. Malaria en ontbossing staan nauw met elkaar verbonden."
DAM & Minister of Public Health - SUDAN

Minister of Public Health, His Excellency Mr. Dr. Ahmed Bilal Osman, "It is a great pleasure to receive Drive Against Malaria in our country. Malaria is a tragic health problem in Sudan, causing 8 million infected patients annually. It accounts for approximately 21% of all diseases, seen at outpatient departments in our health facilities, ranging from 20-40% admissions. In terms of mortality, malaria accounts for 20% of all hospital deaths in the country with an estimated annual figure of 35.000 deaths. We applaud the Drive Against Malaria initiative and I am very enthusiastic about DAM's initiative for a 'World Malaria Day'. You can count on our full support. We anticipate with hope the positive impact on health and development in Sudan."
DAM & Minister Of Public Health - CAR Central African Republic

Minister van Volksgezondheid van de Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek, Zijne Excellentie Dr. Nalke Dorogo André, ontvangt NGO Drive Against Malaria in Bangui - in het kader van de eerste nationale distributie van antimalariamiddelen. De distributie, ter waarde van 150 miljoen CFA, bevat essentiële hulp voor CAR ten behoeve van een van de grootste uitdagingen van het land. Namelijk de strijd tegen malaria, de plaag die 3.000 Afrikaanse kinderen per dag doodt. In reactie op DAM's initiatief onderstreept de Minister het belang voor de bevolking en de strijd tegen malaria. Met de uitstekende relatie tussen de NGO en CAR kan de bevolking profiteren van ondersteuning en herstel. "Een goede samenwerking is essentieel," volgens Dorogo, "met 15 medische missies in het vooruitzicht, de toevoeging van 210 extra dokters, het herstel van hulpposten en de onmiddellijke start van training van medisch personeel."
DAM & WHO - Dr David Nabarro GENEVA

Dr. David Nabarro, World Health Organisation First Project Manager for Malaria. Dr. Nabarro appointed Senior United nations System Coordinator Headquarters New York for Ebola Virus Disease. Dr. Nabarro; "The World Health Organization enthusiastically noted the initiative Drive Against Malaria. I am confidence that the DAM Foundation will be able to create and galvanize the much-needed anti-malaria action in Africa and elsewhere by virtue of its long term commitment. I am very enthusiastic about DAM's initiative for a 'World Malaria Day'. DAM can help transform the landscape of global community action against malaria through educational approach that is central to its advocacy strategy. The DAM project itself has a novel and appealing element that will help attract the attention needed to make this possible. As such on behalf of the World Health Organisation and in my personal capacity."
DAM & British Ambassador for CONGO DRC

British Ambassador for the Democratic Republic of CONGO DRC, His Excellency Mr. Andrew James Sparkes - " We see a considerable expansion in the use of bed nets. For the first time, more nets were provided at public health facilities in north and south - Kivu in DRC than ever before. Extensive progress by Drive Against Malaria has been documented. A record number of 760.000 long-lasting insecticidal nets were delivered to endemic Kivu, by Drive Against Malaria leaders Robertson and Samuël in cooperation with partners in Congo."
DAM & British Ambassador for ANGOLA

British Ambassador for ANGOLA, His Excellency Mr. Ralph Martin Publicover - ¨Drive Against Malaria and partners distributed 27.000 bed nets and delivered essential medication and diagnostics to the most rural infected Malanje areas in Angola. Malaria mortality rates decreased by an impressive 31 % in this area. It also reveals a substantial reduction of malaria rates. This means that every year, fewer people get infected or carry infections - a sign that malaria interventions have an even larger impact than previously thought.¨
DAM & Minister of Forestry & Wildlife CAMEROON

Minister of Special Duties at the Presidency Paul Biya - Minister of Forestry and Wildlife, Cameroon, His Excellency Mr. Elvis Ngolle Ngolle - The Minister endorses the cooperation with Drive Against Malaria in Cameroon. Minister Ngolle Ngolle : "I empower the value of Drive Against Malaria in the fight against malaria in many African countries and your activities in the 'Green Earth Project'. We are honoured that you have chosen Cameroon as one of your permanent bases and I think you made a good decision. We are very positive about the cooperation between Drive Against Malaria and encourage our Ministry for both scaling up malaria interventions and the need for protection of the environment by planting trees by DAM and our community. Malaria and deforestation are closely linked. "
DAM & Ambassador Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA

Ambassador of the Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA, His Excellency Mr. Mahmoud Bin Hussein Qattan - invites DAM at the Ambassador's private residence in the capital city Yaounde in Cameroon. ¨I feel honoured to meet the founders of Drive Against Malaria and your encouraging efforts to fight malaria in extreme remote areas. The need for foundations to continue to fund social- and third-sector activity is stressed. I underline this harmful effect that economic troubles have on the poorest members of our societies, but I raise the encouraging fact that when need increases during a recession, and so does giving. Malaria is still responsible for over 430.000 child deaths in Africa every year. Emerging drug- and insecticide resistance continues to pose a major threat and if left unaddressed, it could trigger to a growth of unnecessary deaths. Therefore, instead of cutting social funding, the onus should be put on spending more efficiently, creating strategic partnerships, and reducing non-developmental spending. I am amazed by the efficiency in finances and effect of Drive Against Malaria missions in Africa, " Ambassador Mahymoud said.
DAM & Minister of Public Health NAMIBIA

Minister of Public Health NAMIBIA, His Excellency Dr. Richard Nchabi Kamwi, Head of Elimination 8 - ( for 8 African countries ) - I am very grateful to meet Drive Against Malaria who contributed to the malaria reduction in several areas in our country. With the support of DAM we could reduce malaria in the Kunene region with 98%. This provides convincing evidence that our target for malaria has been met in this region. This is hopeful news. Over the past years, after control measures for malaria, no mortalities have been reported. Each live saved is a reason to celebrate. This success tells us that the delivery of core interventions bring results. Coverage of insecticide treated nets, education, rapid diagnostic tests and ACT's for treatment have been dramatically increased. In Namibia the proportion of children sleeping under a treated net jumped from less than 2% in 2000 to an estimated 68% now. Malaria has been tamed, but by no means defeated. For a disease like malaria, you can never reduce the attention, especially in hard to reach border crossing regions, where Drive Against Malaria has its activities. "
DAM & President of the Republique Centre Afrique - CAR

President and Head of State of the Republique Centre Afrique (CAR) - His Excellency François Yangouvonda Bozizé - - "I experienced first-hand how important the work of Drive Against Malaria is in my country. I am deeply impressed the way they work, their efficiency and professionalism in the field. I have appointed DAM as my, and my families, personal carers in the field. All people in the Central African Republic shall benefit from Drive Against Malaria's health efforts that strengthen our health systems. Their dedication to help us strengthen the disease surveillance and roll-out of new tools and approaches. Recent progress by DAM in reducing the human suffering caused by malaria has shown me that, with adequate efforts and the right mix of strategies, they indeed make remarkable stride against this complicated enemy. We should act with urgency to create a country in which no one dies of malaria, a world entirely clear of this killer," Bozize said.
DAM & Minister Foreign Affairs - THE NETHERLANDS

Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands - His Excellency Mr Albert Gerard Bert KOENDERS - " We are proud that the Dutch NGO Drive Against Malaria is a key partner during the early stages of malaria control in north- and south - Kivu CONGO DRC, in cooperation with national health-partners, and I am impressed with the outcome of this collaborative process, says Netherlands Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Bert Koenders. Over 700.000 people were reached with bed nets and vaccinations. We warmly welcome the additional contributions already pledged by Canada, Japan and the United Kingdom and are pleased to announce that The Netherlands is also arranging a financial contribution."
DAM & The First Lady - ZAMBIA

First Lady of Zambia - Dr. Maureen Mwanawasa - wife of President Levy Mwanawasa - First Lady Maureen Mwanawasa invited Drive Against Malaria to the Presidential Palace in the capital city Lusaka of Zambia. The First Lady has called for concerted efforts among Zambians, if the fight against malaria, which has so far claimed millions of lives in Africa, has to be won. Mrs Mwanawasa discussed with DAM, the fight against malaria should not be left to the Government alone but everyone should be involved and commended the donors for the support currently being offered to eradicate the disease. Drive Against Malaria plays an important example-role for the Zambian people, to encourage malaria eradication in the country. "We cannot ignore malaria, the teaching of Drive Against Malaria is critical. The message is very important in preventing new infections. It brings hope to people," Zambia First Lady said. "It must continue."
DAM & PMI - WHO - Minister of Health - ANGOLA

PMI / USA President Malaria Initiative - WHO - Minister of Health - ANGOLA - "We are delighted to receive David Robertson and the Drive Against Malaria in Angola. The NGO has played a significant role in the fight against this deadly disease. DAM has contributed so much to malaria. We would like to thank David Robertson on malaria and the neglected tropical diseases for his mission in our region and in the south region. We are here today in this meeting to celebrate the taming of an ancient disease that, over centuries, killed untold thousands of children. In the last decades, malaria was rampant, killing more tan 10.000 each year, mostly young children. Today, global malaria control ranks as one of the great public health success stories since the start of this century. New estimates show a 37% decline in malaria incidence and a 60% decline in malaria mortality rates worldwide since 2006."
DAM & Vice President of ZAMBIA

Vice President of Zambia, His Excellency Dr. Lupando Augustine Festus Katoloshi Mwape - I praise the perseverance of Drive Against Malaria in Africa. Malaria effects more than 4 million Zambians annually, accounting for approximately 30% patients and almost 8,000 deaths each year. Under 5-year-old and pregnant women are the most vulnerable, especially those in more remote and impoverished areas, with 35-50% of under-5 mortality and 20% of maternal attributable to malaria. The disease is sending many Zambians to their graves. The shortage of malaria interventions now reached its peak and is resulting in many deaths which could otherwise be avoided. I am very grateful to receive Drive Against Malaria in our country for an urgent wake-up-call, " Vice President Mwape said.
DAM & Ambassador of The Netherlands in CAMEROON

Ambassador Royal Kingdom of The Netherlands in Cameroon - His Excellency Drs. Norbert Braakhuis - " Malaria has a devastating impact in basis health service delivery in the most severely affected regions in Cameroon, including the ability to control malaria. We are extremely proud and dedicated to assist Drive Against Malaria and working closely together to prevent a worsening of the malaria situation and reduce the pool of mortality cases. We applaud the effort and impact Drive Against Malaria has made in the past years in extreme remote and almost inaccessible areas and to manage to gain successes despite instability in several areas. We urging a major rethink about the importance of strengthening health systems and building resilience, " Ambassador Braakhuis said.
DAM & Rt. Hon. Secretary of State International Development - UNITED KINGDOM

Right Honourable U.K. Secretary of State for International Development, Ms. Clare Short - and Trustee of Africa Humanitarian action. " David Robertson you are changing people's lives in Africa. My son used to ride a motorbike. I was always terrified of motorbikes. I am impressed by your efforts and I am amazed at your ability to fight back after your tragic accident. I feel it as my duty to reduce tropical diseases, and malaria is the most spread disease in Africa. I wish you every success to achieve your goals. More humanitarian aid for Africa can reach those in need. The U.K. and other countries are devoted to send adequate malaria aid and equipment to malaria endemic countries , but did not produce adequate funding to the African Union monitoring mission that if better resourced and supported, might have prevented the deterioration that has taken place in the continent. It is easy to blame others for the situation, but the UK and western policy in general has also been waiting. Similarly, disease and malnutrition are killing 1.5 million people each year, which is a consequence of the collapse of state health capacity that has cost the lives of 10 million people in a decade. This is the largest loss of life as consequence of a single disease. I applaud your determination to highlight the burden of malaria, around the world." "
DAM & Manchester United Football Legend - UNITED KINGDOM

Manchester United Football Legend - World Cup Winning Hero - Sir Robert 'Bobby' Charlton - - " I am very grateful to meet you here in Gabarone. What you do is the greatest thing men can achieve in their lives. Malaria is here, in front of you and you can fight it. Good luck in you record braking Drive Against Malaria. You know what to do, and I know this is a great effort that is needed. We face the disease here in Botswana and also in other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, malaria's heartland."

Admiral Sir Jock Slater - Appointed First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff - Royal Navy United Kingdom - speech appointed to David Robertson on board of the HMS Fearless : " Your courage is admirable. Africa is under severe pressure. I understand it takes a long time to build your special adapted off-road car, to prepare it for long journeys in the continent. To fight malaria is your top priority. It simply must be, as too many are suffering. Young children, particularly in the most remote corners of Africa are losing their lives. I am in complete agreement with your statement you made during our lunch today; I have always said that if we want to take action what we say we would do, we are determined to do so. Being able to go to where the enemy is. The biggest enemy in Africa is malaria. Soon you will leave this ship and must concentrate on an uncertain journey that goes beyond our imagination. That needs flexibility and courage. A journey that needs a versatile man at the steering wheel. You are going to be under enormous strain as you go forward. I wish you all the strength with every next mile you make. "